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My top 5 TED Talks to get you inspired in 2019

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‘New year, new me’ often feels like the preferred catch phrase of all yearly tick-overs, second only to ‘Happy New Year!’. But, now you’re back at work, all that future self-proclamation can seem like a distant, low-priority, promise you once made yourself. 

In these first few weeks back at work we all struggle to get motivated for the year ahead. Whether your agency side, client side, home side, or just trawling the web looking for some inspiration, I’ve rounded up some of my personal highlight reel of motivating videos from one of my favourite wells of inspiration: TED, to help propel you into 2019 with a fresh way of thinking and motivation that will last.

1. How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google manipulate our emotions

Speaker: Scott Galloway

Being in the business of digital marketing, we’re deeply embedded and invested in understanding these platforms and brands to the betterment of our clients’ digital marketing activities.

The first part of this video is a fascinating and blunt review of the very real differences between each platform, and I encourage our clients to understand, explore and consider for their own digital marketing strategies. The second is a no holds barred exploration (with data) of the responsibility these platforms have/don’t have in contributing to the growth and innovation of our society as a whole.


2. Life lessons from an ad man 

Speaker: Rory Sutherland

I’m always challenged by friends, family and acquaintances about what I do and if it really offers value. My response, watch this video!

A fascinating talk that brilliantly explains how you can do things more intelligently and cost effectively via advertising and marketing. Product innovations aren’t always necessary; intangible added value without changing a product in the slightest is sometimes all that’s needed, nor being sought, by consumers.


3. How Airbnb designs for trust

Speaker: Joe Gebbia

In this video the founder of Airbnb discusses the value and importance of design. As a graphic designer by trade myself, I often find myself falling back on this skill to solve client problems alongside our team. Joe helps you learn to understand design and how it is much more than merely the look and feel of something – it’s the whole experience.


4. How to make choosing easier

Speaker: Sheena Lyengar

Choice paralysis is real and this talk explores how you can customise experiences and products in fascinating detail! For all clients who are considering improving the experience of choosing/filtering (especially if you are embarking on a website redevelopment in the near future) this is a must watch.


5. How can groups make good decisions?

Speaker: Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely

There’s just no way of escaping it: Interdepartmental and interagency collaboration is a necessary part of today's workplaces. With increasing cross-functional departments and teams, and the rollout of organisation wide systems in ever reducing timeframes, we need to be able to work together more effectively. A great video to inspire more productive teamwork and decision making in 2019!  


If these have inspired you and you want to discuss a new opportunity, get in touch with your Account Manager at Zimple Digital (if you’re an existing client).

Not currently a client but thinking Zimple would be a great fit? Fill out our online contact form or give us a call, and one of our Account Management team members will be in touch with you.