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Website Design & Development Central Coast

Web Design Central Coast: Crafting Exceptional Online Experiences

At our Central Coast web design agency, we go beyond creating visually stunning pages (although, we excel at that too!). We take your users on a seamless journey, ensuring they effortlessly find the information they need on your website.

User-Centric Web Design Services

Put yourself in your users' shoes for a moment. Think about your own frustrations when navigating websites that are slow, cluttered, or difficult to navigate. How you feel on a website is often a reflection of how your users experience your site. Our user-centric web design approach means we use these insights to optimise your websites performance.

We understand this insight and use it to optimise your website's performance.

Partner with a Leading Central Coast Web Design Agency

Whether you're a business owner looking to enhance your online presence or a marketing professional seeking web design services on behalf of your clients, our Central Coast web design agency is here to help. With our expertise in creating unique and engaging online experiences, we can empower your business to stand out in the digital landscape.

Contact us today to discuss your web design needs and embark on a journey toward online success. Let's work together to craft a website that captivates your audience, achieves your goals, and sets you apart from the competition.

Website Design and Build

Start your digital journey with us

Strategic & Responsive Web Design arrow-down
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Creating a user interface design that aligns with your target audience's natural path to purchase requires strategy and expertise. Responsive web design is an essential factor in ranking higher on Google and ensuring your content reaches the right people.

Your website design needs to have clear goals, whether it's capturing inquiries, selling products, or launching successful digital marketing initiatives. Our highly skilled web designers and developers are committed to helping you not only set goals but also achieve them in the short and long term.

Central Coast Web Designers & Developers arrow-down
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We take pride in our in-house team of web designers and website developers. They possess a wealth of experience and expertise, and their skills in web designer applications, platforms, and graphic design help create beautifully designed web pages with a strong focus on user experience, ease of use, and seamless navigation.

Elevating Your Business with Central Coast Web Design arrow-down
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The success of your business online hinges on usability and user experience. Website design shapes what users see, the messages they receive, and the overall experience they have. Our strategy-based approach and user-centric web design, combined with aesthetically superior results, provide a solid digital foundation for your business to grow and thrive.

Exceptional Web Design Portfolio arrow-down
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But don't just take our word for it; we invite you to explore our portfolio of completed website designs. This showcase of our work will demonstrate our commitment to excellence and provide you with a glimpse of the exceptional results we can achieve for your business.

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Recycle Central Group

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Wide Span Sheds

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Biodiversity Credits NSW

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Element Environmental

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does web design cost in Central Coast?

When it comes to web design, a positive user experience is invaluable. However, the cost of web design is often a consideration. At our Central Coast web design agency, we strive to keep our prices fair and in line with the current market. We believe in providing exceptional talent and experience to ensure that your website design goes above and beyond, delivering more to your audience and generating more returns for your business.

Are your websites built using the WordPress CMS?

No, we don't build and develop websites using the WordPress CMS (Content Management System) on the Central Coast. While we understand that different businesses have varying needs, budgets, and preferences, we have chosen to provide a custom website service. Our chosen platform, October CMS, offers a flexible, modular, and purpose-built web development process tailored to the specific needs of your users and your business goals.

Are your websites built for SEO success?

Absolutely! Our use of October CMS ensures that our clients have a highly customisable platform that is perfectly suited for successful SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) setup and ongoing strategies. We understand that digital user behavior is constantly evolving, often driven by advancements in technology or significant events. As user expectations change, SEO standards and requirements also adapt. Therefore, we prioritise the future SEO success and online presence of our clients' website redesigns as much as their immediate SEO needs.

What websites have you built in the past?

As a web design agency with a decade of experience in Newcastle, NSW, we have an extensive portfolio of websites that we are immensely proud of. Our team has successfully built websites for businesses across various industries on the Central Coast and in greater NSW. Whether you're in the industrial and building sector, chocolate making, mental health services, finance, education, or any other industry, we have the expertise to create a website tailored to your unique needs.

Do you offer digital marketing services?

Absolutely! As a digital agency, we provide customised digital marketing strategies tailored to your business's specific needs and goals. We understand that every business is unique, and we develop strategies that consider your current state, future aspirations, and the most effective methods to bridge the gap.

Do you provide website hosting?

Yes, we are more than happy to assist and organise your website hosting using a reliable, fast, and efficient hosting provider. We understand the importance of a robust hosting solution to ensure your website performs optimally and remains accessible to your users.

Do you offer ongoing website support?

Yes, we offer ongoing website maintenance and support services for your website on the Central Coast. If Zimple Digital has built your website, we provide assistance with any issues, questions, queries, or requested works to help you maintain your website effectively. All websites come with a 3 month warranty period, post this we can offer ongoing support agreements and complete these requests on an ad-hoc billable basis.

How long does it take you to build a website?

The timeline for building a website varies depending on the scope of the project. While none of our websites are simple creations, some may have more straightforward designs and content requirements. The duration of a website project depends on various factors, including the client's clarity on their requirements, whether it's a brand new website or a replacement website, the scope of technical and creative requirements, the client's availability to provide input, ongoing feedback, and sign off, and any unforeseen hurdles that may arise on the client's end. We provide a clear timeline at the onset of the project based on the specific scope, and we keep you updated if any changes occur along the way. Rest assured that we work diligently to complete your website efficiently while ensuring a high-quality end result.

What's the difference between a custom-designed website and a template?

A custom-designed website is tailored to your specific needs, your customers' needs, and your desired user experience (UX). Our custom websites are meticulously designed and developed after extensive research and collaboration. We consider your preferences, data-driven insights into user behaviour, and your brand identity to create a website that is unique to your business. Our custom websites offer modular design options, providing flexibility and future-proofing for new content and functionalities.

On the other hand, template designs are pre-built websites that offer a limited selection of design options. While some platforms may offer more choices than others, template websites have inherent limitations in terms of design and functionality. They are often cheaper and quicker to create, but they lack the customisation and scalability offered by custom designs. With a template website, you must adapt your business and services to fit within the predefined requirements, which may not align perfectly with your goals and user needs. Additionally, as design and functionality trends evolve, there is a risk of falling behind with a template website.

At Zimple Digital, we believe in creating custom-designed websites that align with your unique requirements, deliver exceptional user experiences, and provide room for growth and adaptation as your business evolves.

Will my new website rank in Google?

Achieving visibility and rankings on Google requires consistent optimisation efforts, valuable content, and an active digital presence. While we cannot guarantee specific rankings, we implement strategies to give your website the best possible chance to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

By optimising your website and ensuring that your content addresses the needs and interests of your target audience, we enhance the likelihood of ranking higher on relevant search queries. However, it's important to note that ranking is only valuable if you are ranking for the right search terms, targeting the right audience. Our SEO strategies focus on intent, delivering meaningful results to your desired target market.

When we launch a website, we have an SEO migration strategy in place to mitigate any potential impact on your existing rankings. It's common for new websites, especially replacement websites, to experience temporary fluctuations as Google crawls and understands the new pages and content. However, with ongoing optimisation efforts, valuable content updates, and an active digital presence, your website can achieve better visibility and higher rankings over time.

Can I make changes to my website once it's completed?

Technically, you have the capability to make changes to your website once it's completed. Our modular designs allow for easy adjustments to certain elements after the development phase. However, we emphasise the importance of extensive collaboration and feedback before the go-live stage to ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

We invest time and effort in understanding your needs, your users' needs, and your preferences to minimise the need for significant changes post-launch. Our goal is to deliver a website that aligns with your vision and requirements. While minor updates and content changes can be easily handled, we strive to create a website that fulfils your expectations before it goes live.

However, our modular designs do offer the flexibility to add new pages, create additional content, and make edits to existing content and images after the website is live. This allows you to keep your website up to date and aligned with your evolving business needs.

Our Web Design & Development Team

Learn more about our in-house developers and web designers.

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Art Director
team SamLeighton


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team RyanStuart


UI/UX Designer
team FinNeill


UI/UX Designer
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Ana Zrnic

Art Director

When you hear people say a person ‘lights up a room’, Ana is a reference point. Not literally, of course, that would be an indictable offence. She does brighten it though; through her profession-leading talent in UX design, to her unique laugh and even more unique sense of humour. Her creative process dives deeper than just creating pretty web pages (though, they all are), and ensures clients’ digital design is crafted from a user-first perspective (and, therefore, bottom-line results). Passionate about every project, her attitude and thoughtful approach ensures no detail is missed and every client feels proud of their digital presence. She’s also the Queen of Snacks, with an endless supply to feed us through deadlines.

team SamLeighton

Sam Leighton


Sam’s intelligence and ability to apply logic, reason and solutions for creative outcomes is an individual trait that we didn’t know existed until he walked in. He’s always available to answer technical questions in a clear way to those a little less technical-minded and will provide effective alternative avenues quickly when required. Highly skilled with code and a talented developer, he has a thoughtful and thorough approach to all projects, right down to the last detail. Also, you really want this guy on your trivia team. And no you can’t have him.

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Adrian Stein


Adrian is focused, professional and hard working. His ability to think of issues before they arise and critically, effectively, evaluate solutions is second to none. His knowledge in development has directly contributed to the success of Zimple in the asset space, and so too has his willingness to answer technical questions that support positive outcomes for the team and our clients. Incredibly reliable, it’s not just his astute intellect and work ethic we can count on, but also hilariously specific one-liners, musings on his cat and desire to be wearing a winter robe at all times. (He doesn’t, but he’d like to petition the council for the right to).

team RyanStuart

Ryan Stuart

UI/UX Designer

Extremely talented at his craft, Ryan intuitively designs UX/UI-led pages with out-of-the-box solutions and innovative concepts, making his work undeniably his. While always up to date with the latest digital trends, and critically analysing their genuine worth before applying them, his creative mind extends beyond the realm of digital. His hybrid of left brain and right brain thinking, teamed with a desire to seek truth on any given issue, gives him a social and professional edge that can’t be replicated. Although he is the office coffee connoisseur, he manages to be an extremely calm team presence.

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Finbah Neill

UI/UX Designer

We really can’t start this without first the special mention of Finn’s workstation...the office’s aesthetic pinnacle, making us mere mortals blush in comparison with his carefully curated arrangement of plants, decorative ceramics and even wholesome fresh fruit bowls. Added bonus, though, he’s incredible at what he does. Finn immerses himself in research, consistently unearthing new insights, applying design intelligence and is always armed with his rich background in illustration and UX/UI. Finn is devoted to melding form and function seamlessly, blowing clients away with clever concepts and a knack for easily explaining complex ideas and design.


Our Web Design & Development Testimonials

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We chose to engage Zimple because they were local and award winning and they have certainly delivered. After deciding to refresh our website last year we worked together to deliver a new site that is beautiful and functional. Importantly it positioned us well for Covid as we had an online store in place before we had to shut down. And astonishingly, we have just had our biggest ever month in terms of traffic, despite the uncertain times.

Amber Moncrieff

We engaged Zimple Digital to build our new website and the team was amazing. We are constantly getting comments on how easy our website is to navigate. Enquiries from our website have increase significantly! We would highly recommend Zimple Digital.

Joel Skelton

These guys offered us a digital solution for our business all in one package. I couldn't be happier with the design they gave us, the functionality of our site, or the service we received along the way!

Robyn Van Ysseldyk

Their people are amazing, go above and beyond for results. Couldn’t be happier with our web design and digital services.

Eddie Lloyd

I have been working with Zimple for many years now and they have just built a second website for us. Through testing times with COVID-19 they still came thorugh with a amazing end result, it's only still very fresh but we have seen a slight incline in enquiries. Special shout out to Lani she owned the project from start to finish - well done also to the whole ZIMPLE team, thank you.

Dean Kretchmer
Client-Logos hunter-plastic-surgery-zimple-digital

We chose to engage Zimple because they were local and award winning and they have certainly delivered. After deciding to refresh our website last year we worked together to deliver a new site that is beautiful and functional. Importantly it positioned us well for Covid as we had an online store in place before we had to shut down. And astonishingly, we have just had our biggest ever month in terms of traffic, despite the uncertain times.

Client-Logos skelcon-zimple-digital

We engaged Zimple Digital to build our new website and the team was amazing. We are constantly getting comments on how easy our website is to navigate. Enquiries from our website have increase significantly! We would highly recommend Zimple Digital.

Client-Logos suttos-zimple-digital

These guys offered us a digital solution for our business all in one package. I couldn't be happier with the design they gave us, the functionality of our site, or the service we received along the way!

Client-Logos theralux-zimple-digital

Their people are amazing, go above and beyond for results. Couldn’t be happier with our web design and digital services.

Client-Logos alllift-zimple-digital

I have been working with Zimple for many years now and they have just built a second website for us. Through testing times with COVID-19 they still came thorugh with a amazing end result, it's only still very fresh but we have seen a slight incline in enquiries. Special shout out to Lani she owned the project from start to finish - well done also to the whole ZIMPLE team, thank you.

Tell us more.

Your website design requires a set of goals (such as capturing enquiries, selling products or creating successful digital marketing initiatives), and our highly skilled professionals ensure that you not only have goals, but that you reach them in the short term and long term.  

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The importance of user-centric website design

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Why we chose a modern open source CMS

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Why these web design elements are crucial to your website

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Why you should care about how your website looks

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Our Services