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Digital marketing made simple

Digital Marketing + SEO + SEM + Social Media + Content and copywriting
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Digital Marketing is made up of many activities...

...platforms, strategies and concepts. With terms such as ‘inbound’, ‘content’, ‘search’, ‘growth’ and ‘social media marketing’, it can be quite daunting to set out on the path of marketing your business online. This blog should help you get an understanding of which platforms and activities have proven to provide the better results for businesses marketing online.

Bottom of the funnel digital marketing.

If your focus is to get the sale, lead or some other form of client conversion, the following approaches tend to work best for businesses with this objective in mind:

  1. Display advertising

  2. Email marketing

  3. Social Media advertising and re-marketing

  4. Retargeting

  5. Search advertising

These tools are designed for customers who are at the buying point of their purchase journey. You can create advertising that targets them when they are actively searching online, follow them with an ad after they have already visited your website and advertise to them on other websites or social media platforms they visit. With platforms such as Google ads and Facebook advertising you can test your messaging, targeting and promotion to maximise your conversion results.

Top or middle of the funnel marketing.

If you need to attract prospects a little earlier on in the buying cycle, you should consider a more content focused marketing strategy. Consider the following approaches:

  1. Inbound marketing

  2. Social Media marketing

  3. Lead nurturing campaigns

  4. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

  5. Chatbot marketing

  6. Content marketing

These strategies are about creating more awareness through informing and educating prospects. By providing the information they are searching for at the right time, you provide an increased chance of being the business they choose when they’re ready to buy. 

Where to start?

The key to choosing the right platforms to use and which strategy to adopt comes down to your business objectives and the digital metrics that will identify the success or failure of your digital marketing activity. E.g., If you are looking to increase your market share or sales, you need to understand, through data, what activities currently generate results and then develop a growth strategy through those channels. From there, you can start considering how to build additional digital marketing sources into the mix. Once you have decided what to grow, on which platforms and the strategies to trial, you can begin creating your campaign. Remember to test as much as you can and always check your data to understand how you are tracking with your goals. 

Contact us today to talk more about the digital marketing of your business.

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