CASE-STUDIES-2023 Port-Waratah-Coal-Services---Case-Study iStock-1385605193
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Port Waratah Coal Services

CASE-STUDIES-2023 Port-Waratah-Coal-Services---Case-Study port-waratah-coal-nov-2021-0683-1

The Brief.

We were approached by Port Waratah to assist them in updating their outdated website. The CMS platform their previous site used was clunky and did not have a clear, intuitive user experience, making upload of new content difficult and time consuming, while also translating as poor UX on the front end. The site map was significantly bigger than it needed to be, and the page flow was haphazard. There was also a lot of content that needed curating, and the task felt overwhelming for Port Waratah to try to tackle themselves. They wanted a modern, professional website that had a clear and positive user experience at the forefront. Additionally, they tasked Zimple with a consolidation and update of written content onsite, bringing more cohesion to their tone of voice, relevance to the material and a greater utilisation of strategically chosen storytelling techniq


  • Develop a new website onto the October CMS platform to create an easier and more user-friendly experience when updating content.
  • Create a digital experience that positions Port Waratah as a pioneer and partner to all stakeholders.
  • Provide a clean user experience and engagement for the users through clear call to actions, revised content and an easy-to-navigate sitemap.

Service Areas.

  • User Experience Design
  • User Interface Design
  • Website Development
  • Project Management
  • Copywriting
  • Content Upload


To start the process, we undertook multiple workshops with key internal stakeholders at Port Waratah to gauge a full understanding of the requirements the website needs to speak to multiple stakeholders and further discuss how their current website was not meeting these needs. 

From these workshops we identified that a Hub functionality will best provide a solution to more effective curation of relevant information, making it easily accessible on the website at all times. This allowed us to streamline the sitemap with clear pages indicating important business information. 

We managed the project with weekly scheduled work-in-progress meetings to allow for all members of the project team from both Zimple and PWCS to be hands-on with the progress. It allowed timelines and milestones to be met through all stages of the project.


We successfully executed the project’s objectives from start to finish, thanks to the project teams from both Zimple and Port Waratah, building a relationship of strong trust, expertise and communication along the way. 

Overall the client was very happy with the end result of the project and we are looking forward to continuing the partnership with Port Waratah and boosting the website through ongoing digital marketing services.

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