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Website Design Newcastle

Leading web design agency in Newcastle NSW, creating intuitive, effective user experiences.

Great website design is a craft. Sure, there are plenty of well-meaning and effective template designs that genuinely do the job for a lot of people. However, when your business is growing and your digital presence is slipping, there is a high chance it’s time to migrate to a website design that has been created specifically for you, your business goals and your user’s most intuitive navigation through the site. 

Our Newcastle web design service is a lot more than a page that looks pretty (although, we certainly do provide that too!). It’s about taking your users on a journey that aligns with a seamless, frictionless experience as they navigate to the information they need, effortlessly, on your website.

Step back from being a business owner, and think about your experiences on websites of goods and services you require. Have you noticed yourself get frustrated, and even leave the site despite how much you need what they’re delivering? When pages load too slow, it’s too busy and confusing or you simply can’t find what you need. How you feel on a website, and how you want it to perform is (while not exclusively) a great insightful tool for how users experience your site.

Work with us

Website Design and Build

Start your digital journey with us

Strategic & Responsive Web Design Newcastle arrow-down
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It takes strategy and expertise to create a user interface design that speaks to the natural path your target audience want to take on their way to a purchase. Great responsive web design is a major factor considered by Google to get your content in front of the right people.  

Your website design requires a set of goals (such as capturing enquiries, selling products or creating successful digital marketing initiatives), and our highly skilled website designers and developers to ensure that you not only have goals, but that you reach them in the short term and long term. 

Usability and user experience are paramount to the online success of your business. Website design controls what the user sees, the messages they receive and the experience they have. Our strategy-based approach and user-centric web design, paired with an aesthetically superior result, ensures a digital base for your business to grow and thrive.

Newcastle Web Designers & Developers arrow-down
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We have an in-house team of web designers and website developers in Newcastle that are highly skilled and experienced. Our web designer applications, platforms and talent with graphic design help to create beautifully designed web pages with user experience, ease of use and navigation at the forefront. But don't just take our word for it, have a look at our completed website design portfolio.

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Recycle Central Group

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Wide Span Sheds

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Biodiversity Credits NSW

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Element Environmental

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does web design cost?

Really, a positive user experience on your web design is priceless. However, you also get what you pay for. We keep the price of our website designs in Newcastle fair to the current market, and provide exceptional talent and experience to the design of your website so that you are giving more to your audience, and getting more in return. 

Custom web design is more than just a few pretty digital pages (although, the look of it is important). There are a variety of factors that ensure web design is good, effective web design that will give your users a positive experience. This is UX web design, and it’s about the flow of navigation that works for the user in their most intuitive way, while also supporting the end-goals you have. 

It is no easy feat to successfully create a quality UX website design; it takes natural and taught talent, and a good amount of quality experience. However, the base level factors can simplify what constitutes UX web design:

  • Usefulness - every element serves a purpose. This includes an aesthetic purpose, but the look of the site has no significant weight without the function holding it together. 

  • Usability - From the moment a user clicks onto the site (regardless of which page they’ve entered on), navigation must be easy and intuitive for them. 

  • Desirability - This is where aesthetic shines and the imagery, branding, colours and overall ‘prettiness’ makes your user enjoy the experience.  

  • Findability - This ensures the user can find what they expect to find, and easily. So whether it’s your product, your service or your contact information, it cannot be a tricky maze to navigate. 

  • Accessibility - This is often a missing piece of the design puzzle, but things are changing and we work hard to support it. It means creating design options that support the needs of a wide range of user abilities.

  • Credibility - This is what the accumulation of the other factors offers: trust that your website is credible, trustworthy and not going to let them down. 

  • Delightability - Designing to ensure that your user exits the experience feeling as though it was positive, memorable and worth returning to or recommending. 

We go through an in-depth consultation with you and our team to ensure your website has applied these vital factors, while also representing your business and brand successfully.

Are your websites built using the WordPress CMS?

No, we don't build and develop our websites using the WordPress CMS (Content Management System). Although we are aware that there are different needs, budgets and pathways to setting up your website, we have used our collective experiences and breadth of knowledge to decide on a custom website service. Our chosen platform, October CMS, allows us to offer our clients a web development process that is flexible, modular and specifically designed for the needs of their users, and their business goals. 

Custom built designs can also grow with your business over time, assisting with the overall user experience, and also SEO support. Upgrading your existing website, when it is supported by a quality platform, means you don’t disrupt your SEO requirements by having to create a brand new website too often. Having a custom website built with future proofing in mind, is at the crux of our web development process and decision making.

Are your websites built for SEO success?

Yes! October CMS is highly customisable and ensures our clients have a perfect platform for successful SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) set up and ongoing strategies, while equally ensuring a high level positive user experience that grows with them, and your industry/market. 

Digital user behaviour is always evolving, and the evolution becomes more rapid. This can be due to the natural progression of digital capabilities, but it can also be the result of non-digital events (the pandemic is a perfect example of that; website user experience, reliability and capability suddenly became more important than ever, and only some platforms were ready for the quick pivot). SEO standards and requirements kept up, and it needed websites right along with it.

We have the future SEO success and online presence of our clients’ website redesigns in mind as much as we do their immediate SEO success.

What websites have you built in the past?

Having been a web design agency in Newcastle, NSW for 10 years, a lot! We have been in the website design and development game for a long time, and we have grown enormously in that time, creating websites that we are extremely proud of. We can build websites for any business in any industry, and our legacy of work shows that off. From industrial and building clients, to chocolate makers, mental health services, finance experts, educational facilities, and everything in between! 

Some of our more recent designs, which showcase some of our best UX design, development and content work include: 

Cocoa Nib

Buildingwise Construction

All Lift Forklift and Access Equipment

Hunter Plastic Surgery

Sutto’s Powersports

Do you offer digital marketing services as well?

We sure do! As a digital agency we create customised strategies tailored to every aspect of your business in its current state, your future goals and the methods we believe will get you from one to the other, into the highest consideration.

There are no two completely identical digital marketing strategies that we deploy; just as your customers and clients are individuals, so too are ours. Some of the methods we include throughout a digital marketing strategy include, but are not limited to:

Digital marketing meets your clients and customers where they are, speaks to them in the ways and on the platforms they want to be, and navigates them to your website in a positive and memorable way.

Do you provide website hosting?

We are happy to facilitate and organise your website hosting for you, using a reliable, fast and efficient hosting provider.

Do you offer ongoing website support?

If Zimple Digital has built your website, we offer ongoing website maintenance and support services to assist with any issues, questions, queries, subsequent requested works or assistance with maintaining your website. Our helpful and knowledgeable team are available to help offer answers and solutions where needed, and ensure that your positive experience extends beyond your go live day. We understand that just because a website is live, doesn’t make it impervious to glitches and issues. All websites come with a 3 month warranty period, post this we can offer ongoing support agreements and complete these requests on an ad-hoc billable basis.

Additionally, please feel free to contact us if you want to grow your website with landing pages, new functionality or whatever creative concept your business needs digitally. If it’s possible, we will make it happen. 

How long does it take you to build a website?

There is no one answer for this, as it all depends on the scope of the project. Though none of our websites are a simple creation, some do have more simply presented designs and content requirements. With that, one client’s website may take a few months longer than another. Additional factors include:

  • How well a client knows what they are after
  • If it is a brand new website (for the client) or replacement website
  • The scope of technical and creative requirements
  • The availability of the client to offer initial input, ongoing feedback and eventual sign off
  • Any hurdles (or lack thereof) on the client’s end (business, personal… sometimes things don’t always go to plan, and we can work with that)

The only true and honest answer we can supply on this is, it’s entirely up to the specific website project at hand. However, once we understand the scope of the project, you will be supplied with a clear timeline at the onset, and be constantly updated if/when anything changes. 

What's the difference between a custom designed website and template?

Custom websites are designed and developed to the specific requirements of your needs, and that of your customers and clients for a great user experience (UX). Custom websites are designed after extensive investigation and collaboration about what you want, and also data-driven expertise on user behaviour, to craft a site that represents your business and brand, personally. Additionally, custom websites are able to be mocked up in design before going to the development stage to ensure your satisfaction, saving time and cost. Zimple custom websites are typically modular, allowing much greater flexibility per page within one developed site and future proofing for new content. 

Template designs are pre-build websites that offer you a limited selection of design options to choose from. Some templated platforms offer more selections than others, and some have multiple options with each selection (colour and font choice etc.). The appeal of template websites is that they tend to be cheaper and they can be created fairly quickly. However, there is very limited scope for growth and you can only utilise the pre-existing functions within the chosen template, this means you will need your businesses service offering to fit within the template requirements and aren’t receiving a fully custom solution tailored to your business needs. As design and functionality possibilities evolve and the user comes to eventually expect a certain ability or experience, there is a risk of also being left behind. 

Will my new website rank in Google?

If your website is being consistently optimised, your content is valuable and speaks directly to the wants and needs of your desired audience, and you never let your digital presence sit stagnant, your website is being given the best possible chance at ranking on Google. However, being listed on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is a multi-faceted, constantly moving process that can never rest too long on one strategy. 

Ranking is fine, but it’s only valuable if you are ranking for the right search terms asked by the right people (your target market). Some industries have far greater search term density than others (if you are in a niche industry, for example, you might find actual search terms are too few to focus on). In what capacity you rank is also constantly adjusting; Google My Business, Google Ads, Organic Search… Everything comes down to intent. 

That said, our websites go live with an SEO migration strategy in place which will ensure your current rankings stay as strong as possible during the initial crawls from Google. Our intention is to have your website ranking in some capacity and to mitigate initial impact to rankings. New websites (particularly if they are replacement websites) can experience an initial dip in placement as Google crawls the site and understands all of the new pages and content. This is nothing to be alarmed about. It’s just Google taking its time to ‘read’ your website, trust it, and place it on SERP accordingly. 

Can I make changes to my website once completed?

Technically, yes. Our modular designs do cater for easy adjustments to some elements of the website after the development has been completed. However, at Zimple, our extensive preliminary work with you ensures we have a firm grasp on what you need, what your users need and what you are completely happy with before go-live. Rarely, if ever, is there a requirement to make changes once the project is complete. 

However, our designs do offer you the capability to easily create additional pages, add new content and edit old content and images after going live, using modular pre-developed elements.  

Our Web Design & Development Team

Learn more about our in-house developers and web designers.

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Art Director
team SamLeighton


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team RyanStuart


UI/UX Designer
team FinNeill


UI/UX Designer
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Ana Zrnic

Art Director

When you hear people say a person ‘lights up a room’, Ana is a reference point. Not literally, of course, that would be an indictable offence. She does brighten it though; through her profession-leading talent in UX design, to her unique laugh and even more unique sense of humour. Her creative process dives deeper than just creating pretty web pages (though, they all are), and ensures clients’ digital design is crafted from a user-first perspective (and, therefore, bottom-line results). Passionate about every project, her attitude and thoughtful approach ensures no detail is missed and every client feels proud of their digital presence. She’s also the Queen of Snacks, with an endless supply to feed us through deadlines.

team SamLeighton

Sam Leighton


Sam’s intelligence and ability to apply logic, reason and solutions for creative outcomes is an individual trait that we didn’t know existed until he walked in. He’s always available to answer technical questions in a clear way to those a little less technical-minded and will provide effective alternative avenues quickly when required. Highly skilled with code and a talented developer, he has a thoughtful and thorough approach to all projects, right down to the last detail. Also, you really want this guy on your trivia team. And no you can’t have him.

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Adrian Stein


Adrian is focused, professional and hard working. His ability to think of issues before they arise and critically, effectively, evaluate solutions is second to none. His knowledge in development has directly contributed to the success of Zimple in the asset space, and so too has his willingness to answer technical questions that support positive outcomes for the team and our clients. Incredibly reliable, it’s not just his astute intellect and work ethic we can count on, but also hilariously specific one-liners, musings on his cat and desire to be wearing a winter robe at all times. (He doesn’t, but he’d like to petition the council for the right to).

team RyanStuart

Ryan Stuart

UI/UX Designer

Extremely talented at his craft, Ryan intuitively designs UX/UI-led pages with out-of-the-box solutions and innovative concepts, making his work undeniably his. While always up to date with the latest digital trends, and critically analysing their genuine worth before applying them, his creative mind extends beyond the realm of digital. His hybrid of left brain and right brain thinking, teamed with a desire to seek truth on any given issue, gives him a social and professional edge that can’t be replicated. Although he is the office coffee connoisseur, he manages to be an extremely calm team presence.

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Finbah Neill

UI/UX Designer

We really can’t start this without first the special mention of Finn’s workstation...the office’s aesthetic pinnacle, making us mere mortals blush in comparison with his carefully curated arrangement of plants, decorative ceramics and even wholesome fresh fruit bowls. Added bonus, though, he’s incredible at what he does. Finn immerses himself in research, consistently unearthing new insights, applying design intelligence and is always armed with his rich background in illustration and UX/UI. Finn is devoted to melding form and function seamlessly, blowing clients away with clever concepts and a knack for easily explaining complex ideas and design.


Our Web Design & Development Testimonials

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We chose to engage Zimple because they were local and award winning and they have certainly delivered. After deciding to refresh our website last year we worked together to deliver a new site that is beautiful and functional. Importantly it positioned us well for Covid as we had an online store in place before we had to shut down. And astonishingly, we have just had our biggest ever month in terms of traffic, despite the uncertain times.

Amber Moncrieff

We engaged Zimple Digital to build our new website and the team was amazing. We are constantly getting comments on how easy our website is to navigate. Enquiries from our website have increase significantly! We would highly recommend Zimple Digital.

Joel Skelton

These guys offered us a digital solution for our business all in one package. I couldn't be happier with the design they gave us, the functionality of our site, or the service we received along the way!

Robyn Van Ysseldyk

Their people are amazing, go above and beyond for results. Couldn’t be happier with our web design and digital services.

Eddie Lloyd

I have been working with Zimple for many years now and they have just built a second website for us. Through testing times with COVID-19 they still came thorugh with a amazing end result, it's only still very fresh but we have seen a slight incline in enquiries. Special shout out to Lani she owned the project from start to finish - well done also to the whole ZIMPLE team, thank you.

Dean Kretchmer
Client-Logos hunter-plastic-surgery-zimple-digital

We chose to engage Zimple because they were local and award winning and they have certainly delivered. After deciding to refresh our website last year we worked together to deliver a new site that is beautiful and functional. Importantly it positioned us well for Covid as we had an online store in place before we had to shut down. And astonishingly, we have just had our biggest ever month in terms of traffic, despite the uncertain times.

Client-Logos skelcon-zimple-digital

We engaged Zimple Digital to build our new website and the team was amazing. We are constantly getting comments on how easy our website is to navigate. Enquiries from our website have increase significantly! We would highly recommend Zimple Digital.

Client-Logos suttos-zimple-digital

These guys offered us a digital solution for our business all in one package. I couldn't be happier with the design they gave us, the functionality of our site, or the service we received along the way!

Client-Logos theralux-zimple-digital

Their people are amazing, go above and beyond for results. Couldn’t be happier with our web design and digital services.

Client-Logos alllift-zimple-digital

I have been working with Zimple for many years now and they have just built a second website for us. Through testing times with COVID-19 they still came thorugh with a amazing end result, it's only still very fresh but we have seen a slight incline in enquiries. Special shout out to Lani she owned the project from start to finish - well done also to the whole ZIMPLE team, thank you.

Tell us more.

Your website design requires a set of goals (such as capturing enquiries, selling products or creating successful digital marketing initiatives), and our highly skilled professionals ensure that you not only have goals, but that you reach them in the short term and long term.  

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The importance of user-centric website design

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Why we chose a modern open source CMS

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Our Services